Tuesday, February 5, 2008

From Chia Pets to the Holy Grain

Apparently Chia seeds are the key to health and longevity. They have a huge amount of Fiber, vitamins, and Omega-3 fatty acids.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

I hit a quart today!

I officially donated my 4th pint of blood today! That's two quarts! Only 4 more successful donations until I read my gallon mark!!!

Donate blood and save 3 lives!

Monday, January 7, 2008

Behind already?

Just a few days in and I have already fallen completely behind! Meh, it takes 28 days to make a habit, right? I'll just go with that and keep practicing this whole blogging thing.

So on to the real reason why I've logged on today: the debates.

I must preface my response to the debates with the statement that I do consider myself a very liberal democrat, and thus such a bias will be apparent.

The republicans were atrocious. Although the neo-con perspective (and perspective of the republican candidates) that converting literally everything to the private sector is positive for the economy, it seems that once again the probable reality - the people will not pay for necessary services when they are offered only privately - is completely ignored. As my mother put it, "The [republican] candidates don't ever think about the effects on those who can't provide for themselves...they've never had it bad, and therefore have no grasp whatsoever on the concept of struggle."

On the other hand, I (obviously) felt the democrats were wonderful, except for Richardson. I don't know what it is, but he just does nothin' for me. A lot of focus was obviously placed on Obama, and he really crumbled when shots were taken at him by both Clinton and Edwards. Each on the offensive were valid in every point and fact they presented, and presented them in assertive ways. Despite his talks of progress, change, freedom, equality, and whatever wonderful abstract concept there is, Obama's lack of experience overshadowed this and showed us why he should not be on the ticket as our presidential candiate. Vice president would suit him much better, and would in fact propel his running mate's campaign to new heights, all the while giving him the experience he'll need to run a nation. Edwards actually came through as the winner with his statements regarding more socialized healthcare and reinstatement of the middle class. Plus, he's kind of cute.

...and last but not least, Hilary Clinton was aggressive, but poised as she pushed buttons on the other candidates and expressed over and over again how she is a catalyst to change. She even showed some emotion (!) which made me love her just a little bit more. However, Edwards is quickly chewing at my support for Clinton.

With all that said, I must not forget that there is still over a month until the Washington primary and caucus, and that's a lifetime in politics. Maybe my vote will swing toward some unforseen candidate that rides in on their white horse to save America.

Five Things I'm Grateful for today:

1.) Brooke's text telling me to have fun at college.
2.) Seeing Atonement with my mom and pops.
3.) Listening to the Shins.
4.) The intelligent satire of The Simpsons.
5.) Getting to see my Benjamin one more time before school starts.

Peace and love to all.

Saturday, January 5, 2008

New Year, New Start

It's that aweful time of year again - yes, the time of year when we tell ourselves that we will lose weight, eat right, and stress less. Well, I guess I just have to say that I'm another person setting those goals, however I feel that my goals may be attainable this year. Here's what I'm looking at for my new year's resolution:

Welcome to the New Year:
Goals for 2008

Goals: January 1st, 2008 – December 31st, 2008
1. Step outside the comfort zone.
a. Try something new. Run, hike, climb, snowboard, kayak. Eat Indian, Thai,
Ethiopian. Listen to jazz, country, classical, new age, folk, punk. Do something at least once a week.
b. Mix it up. Don’t fall into routine, but instead change little things (location to eat, study spots, routes to class) at least every two weeks.
2. Be grateful.
a. Keep a gratitude journal. Means of doing so doesn’t matter, however five positive things must be documented somehow every day.
b. Volunteer. Keep eyes open to the world around, and give heart to service.
3. Stay hungry for knowledge.
a. Be up to date. Watch the news, read the paper.
b. Read. Don’t know something? Go to the library. Want to know something new? Go to the library.
c. Take advantage of speakers at school.
d. Be active. Blog at least twice a week. Volunteer. Discuss.
4. Be healthy.
a. Eat right. Vegetables, fruit, and protein. Don’t miss out on any. Many small meals a day, and limit calorie intake.
b. Stay hydrated. At least one nalgene bottle of H2O a day!
c. SLEEP. No less than 6 hours, but no more than 9. Power naps are allowed!

I'm hoping that writing them down will help me attain the goals. Let's see what happens.

So here's to 2008! Le4t's make it a good year!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007


Every year that Christmas infiltrates every aspect of our society at an earlier point in the season than ever before. As I have been getting frustrated with this fact, it seems that this pattern has also made it's way into my iTunes. Up until today whenever I played my music on shuffle my Christmas songs were never played, however today they have been playing about every sixth song or so. Coincidence? I'm so sure.

Monday, November 12, 2007

The Journey of My Education

As a freshman at Western Washington University it's hard for me to believe that I am entering the last part of my very first quarter in college. It's gone so fast, and I've learned so much. In fact I've learned so much that my brain has nearly exploded as a result of being stuffed full of so much new knowledge, but I have to say I love this. However, it's been a great struggle to handle all this new information because there's just so much. I can barely contain it all, let alone talk through it and figure out what to do with this new information. I feel almost hopeless and frustrated keeping it all in my head and not talking about it, which is why I have decided to actually use my blog that I created for essentially no reason. From here on out this will be a narrative of the journey of my college education. It'll be wonderful if someone finds this interesting, but if no one ever reads this I'll be just as happy because this is simply a creation to stop my brain from imploding. :)

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Late Night Ramblings

It's funny how things change so quickly.

God, I love summer.

..and man alive, life after high school is better than ever.

Western, here I come. You best be ready.